Category: Healthy Break Room Snacks

The breakroom is the heart and soul of the office in buildings across Philadelphia, serving as the central location for employees to eat their lunches, relax, and socialize. However, when it comes to workplace wellness, break rooms are frequently overlooked. When done correctly, it can be...

Employee productivity is a primary goal for every Philadelphia business, but did you know that one of the best ways to boost productivity is to give your employees a break? When it comes to productivity, the company break room can be one of the most effective...

A custom break room solution can improve company culture in so many ways. Let’s face it, a typical workday can often become chaotic and exhausting for employees dealing with commuter traffic jams, tight work deadlines and back-to-back meetings. Make sure your break room area is more than...

Custom markets bring excitement with your employee’s favorite refreshments in the workplace break room. Filled with healthy options and grab and go snacks, these mini-convenience stores bring your employees the best in Philadelphia break rooms solutions. Replicating your local mini-convenience store, a micro-market provides everything your...